Void (black): Unknown objects in the background, gaps inside anomalies etc.
The objects of interest are the carriage including the horses. The other unknown objects in the background (e.g. parasols, chair) and gaps inside the carriage are voided.
Obstacles appear at different distances.
Different road surfaces.
Different lighting and weather conditions..
Labeling Policy
Not obstacle (white): Driveable area
Obstacle (orange): Objects placed on the road
Void (black): Everything besides the road, gaps inside obstacles
The road is the region of interest. The basket is labeled as obstacle, the background and the gap are ignored in the evaluation.
Anomaly Segmentation Performance Metrics
Classic pixel-wise metrics:
AUROC: Area under receiver operating characteristic curve (TPR vs. FPR)
AUPRC: Area under precision recall curve (precision vs. recall)
Recent component-wise metrics:
sIoU: adjusted component-wise intersection over union wrt ground truth
PPV: component-wise positive predictive value (or precision) wrt prediction